Emily's story
Owner/facilitator Emily Ghiurcan is certified in equine-facilitated learning through the H.E.A.L. program, a powerful, research-based EFPL model originally designed to help those suffering from PTSD and other trauma. Emily achieved her EFL practitioner certificate through direct training with Leigh Shambo, researcher, writer, and H.E.A.L. program founder.
Emily earned her Level I Reiki Practitioner certification through the Albuquerque-based Sacred Spring Reiki Collective. The mission statement of the collective is "Reiki guides us toward the realization that Universal Love resides in each one of us--it is the convergence of Spirit and humanity. Our mission is to honor the innate healing ability of All Living Beings through Reiki."
Emily has worked in education for more than 20 years, with the majority of her service as a National Board Certified teacher in public high schools in Virginia and New Mexico. She continues to work with Leigh, LPCC and H.E.A.L. founder, in developing her skills in the EFL arena; and she regularly consults with a variety of equine experts in order to bring the best possible experiences and outcomes to her clients.
She is honored to serve the Corrales and neighboring communities alongside Wendy and their gentle co-facilitators -- the horses.